Tips For Booking Flights

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Tips For Booking Flights

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Vacation time is coming up. Here are tips for booking flights that will get you deals, discounts and the best fares out there.  If you have other tips, please add them. We can keep this going and make sure everyone say, “no busting the budget!”

  1. Avoid booking flights on the weekend.
  2. Choose a morning flight or late night flight for the best fares.  Additionally, Early morning flights are less likely to be delayed which can save you time and money by avoiding rolling delays and cancellations.
  3. Tips for booking flights shows us flights are least expensive when you book between 5.5 and 1.5 months (164 and 46 days) before your departure date.
  4. Check for flights when many have reported them as cheapest after midnight especially. This could be related to airlines adjusting flight demand and capacity. While many say this is a myth, I have found cheap flights booking between midnight and 4am.
  5. Search for flights in “incognito mode” or by clearing your cache to remove search history.
  6. A good tip for booking flights is to use Google Travel, Skyscanner,
  7. January is best time to find discounts and deals. Flights in February are a close second for being most affordable.
  8. November and July are the first and second most expensive months to travel, on average.  You can add December to that as well because of the holiday season. Book ahead. Last minute booking can leave you paying high fares.
  9. Many travel experts advise – booking a ticket at least three weeks before departing, and no more than 2.5 months in advance.
  10. Booking directly with the airline vs. online booking sites – Booking directly with the airline can offer better customer service, more flexibility with changes or upgrades. The agent may have exclusive deals or rewards not listed on the website. You can also ask more questions and receive an answer more related to airline policies.  Booking directly with the airline can mean better seats and the ability to choose your seat of choice.
  11. Plan ahead, price check, ensure you have the dates and destination correct
  12. Join airline loyalty programs. It’s the best way to get perks, miles and great amenities.


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